In Our Darkest Pain We Find the Brightest Hope

To experience grief is to suffer perhaps the most intense and painful of all emotions.

Yet we all, sooner or later, must endure it. Many books try to help people deal with grief. Many are written from a religious – and specifically from a Christian – perspective. They are all well-meaning and many offer good advice. But, unfortunately, much encouragement in these books comes in the form of saying, with the best of intentions, “It will get better someday.” A grieving person, newly cast into a pit of pain and sorrow, may well feel that such words roll off the tongue or the page all too easily. When glimmers of light seem so far away, being reminded of just how far can add to the pain of grief. Even when those who grieve begin the journey of healing – and the light seems at times not quite so far away – snares and traps can, seemingly at random, overwhelm them with renewed waves of grief and sink them back into darkness. Too-easy words just aren’t enough.

For devout Christians, there must be a better way to navigate grief. We were never made for the darkness, but for the LIGHT! Let’s find that better way by exploring grief and candidly acknowledging the power it can have over us. But let’s avoid the trap of asking the wrong questions when in grief’s clutches. Let’s learn to ask the right ones. Let’s seek out the answers we need, the ones that will help us see the beacon that is always beside us, lighting the way through the darkness – our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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$17 - Paperback

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